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Image by Yehor Milohrodskyi

You're Here For A Reason

Just As God's Love Is Eternal

The Love You Share and

Connections You Make in This Life

Never Leave You

Melanie Daniels

Psychic Medium & Soul Guide

Through my connection to spirit, I provide people with the peace of knowing their loved ones are still with us and able to communicate with them. Sessions are intended to help those who are grieving as well as those who need spiritual restoration from life’s challenges.


As a Psychic Medium, I help people connect to their passed loved ones, bringing them closure and a profound sense of healing and love. I offer guidance and insight into my clients' lives. As a teacher and spiritual counselor, I empower others to explore and use their own personal strengths and gifts to assist and direct themselves in their daily lives.

My clients come to me from all over the globe. Whether by phone or in person they are always in awe of the validations, healing, and love that are experienced in a session.


My ultimate goal is to put my clients on the path of healing by reminding them of what their souls came here to learn and accomplish in this life.


What I Specialize In






Soul Session



1:1 Mentorship


The Journey Towards Peace Begins on the Path of Acceptance. Begin Your Journey Today.

​I went to Melanie for a mediumship reading. She connected with my dad and brought me many affirmations. I’m so happy she said yes to God’s call to bring healing and love to people through the use of her gift.

- Craig

Someone tell me how your mind can be blown not once, not twice, but over, and over, and over, by a complete stranger. Melanie TRULY has a gift, and after you speak with her, you will NOT be able to deny it.

- Andrea F.

I spoke with Melanie the other night. I would truly recommend her to anyone she told me things NO ONE would ever know. I do believe that God gives people gifts to help others and she is one of them. I will be talking to her again.

- Nerissa

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